The Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association are holding a series of panels at the next annual meeting of these groups to be held March 19-22, 2008 in San Francisco, California, at the San Francisco Marriott. Proposals for individual papers, presentations, and panel discussions are requested on motorcycling and its impact on American and other societies and cultures.
Suggested topics include:
Riders narratives or descriptions of the ride
The motorcycle as art, poetry, or agency
Rituals, norms, customs, or influences in motorcycle culture
The biker as subaltern
Movies, films, or other images of motorcyclists
Analyses of media, consumer capitalist, corporate, or other power structures in relation to motorcycling culture or popular myth
Biographical analyses of noteworthy motorcyclists and their influence upon myth, culture, or cultural capital
Racial, ethnic, gendered, class, or demographic aspects of motorcycling culture
Other literary, anthropological, geographical, historical, sociological, or psychological perspectives of motorcycling culture or myth
Those interested are asked to respond to the Area Chair listed below with a biographical statement and an abstract of 150 words by November 1, 2007. Basic information about the conference can be found at the PCA / ACA Web site PCAACA.org.
Area Chair: Gary L. Kieffner, Department of History, University of Texas at El Paso, phone: 915.747.5875, email: Kieffner@miners.utep.edu.