Kawasaki Headquarters, Orange County, California: The press office steers me toward its Concours 14 supersport touring model instead of the smaller bike I had asked for. “Its the most comfortable bike youll ever ride,” Im told, and an hour later Im cruising Highway 5 wondering how 1352cc and 650 pounds could feel so . . . well, so darn light and nimble.
Superbike Roots
No wonder. The Concours 14 is based on Kawasakis Ninja ZX-14 superbike, and as I accelerate onto the freeway, my inner teenager appears. She smiles, she twists the throttle, and she pops a wheelie. Scared back into maturity, now at least I know what 156 horsepower can do!
Properly piloted by an experienced, mature adult, the shaft driven, 1352cc, 4-cylinder engine accelerates smoothly and quietly. I shift up to fifth, and up again into fuel-saving overdrive, then settle into the gel seat to enjoy the ride.
Fit and Form
Settling in, I note how truly comfortable I am. When I first looked at the bike I thought I might have to haul it out on tiptoes. Instead, it came up off the side stand with less effort than I expected and both my feet landed flat on the ground despite the high-ish seat height of 32.5 inches.
Height-challenged riders can lower the Concours 14 a little more than an inch with the Low Gel Seat option, or look for an aftermarket seat with a narrower saddle. Some owners have taken even more inches off by replacing the suspension lever link with lowering links that ZX-14 drag-racing riders like to use—a method not sanctioned by Kawasaki. You can also get lower by turning the suspension all the way down—just turn the big, friendly knob located in front of the rear wheel.
Im astounded that a big bike like this is so easy to handle. Its almost 31 inches wide at the handlebars and nearly 40 at the saddlebags definitely worth noting if you’re a California lane-splitter. The overall length of the bike is close to 90 inches. Its balanced well enough that I can grab it by the handholds and roll it around my driveway, and I dont have any problem hauling in and out of parking spaces like some big touring bikes.
Teenager on the Twisties
On rides through the mountains its clear that this machine is a precision instrument. Like a dressage horse, it does exactly what you tell it to. Though Ive been riding for several decades, with this machine I wish I had some track days and more sport-bike experience under my belt to really take advantage of the technology put into this bike.
Each end of the bike stays put just where its supposed to. Under no circumstances does the steering wobble. The frame is solid. Even when Im surprised by potholes and badly-cambered curves the tires stick to the asphalt with reassuring security. After a few-hundred confidence-building miles I let my inner teenager scream around at 7000 rpm, assured that the ABS brakes are there to slow her down, quickly and smoothly.
It can take a lot to stop more than 800 pounds (bike + rider + gear) at speeds bordering on illegal. I find braking a bit grabby at extremely slow speeds, though eventually I get used to touching them more lightly.
The Concours 14 loves smooth freeway asphalt but takes bumpy backroads with ease. The gel seat might have something to do with that, but the easily adjustable suspension was also right on. I never felt the need the change it during the 2500 miles I spent with the Concours, except when I picked up a pillion rider.
Hi-Tech for Hi-Convenience amp; Hi-Awareness
The Concours 14 was designed to make everything as convenient as possible for the rider, down to the super high-tech KI-PASS system that lets you leave the key in the ignition at all times. You can keep the transponder in your pocket and when you are on the bike the signal unlocks the receiver, ensuring that only you can start the bike.
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On the dash, digital readouts display current and average speed and mileage, miles per gallon, fuel level, range to empty, the gear you’re in, tire pressure, date and time. There are also two trip meters.
Long distance touring is my passion, and so I was especially interested in the touring features of the bike. The hard-case saddlebags are beautifully integrated, and for longer trips, I would want the optional top case. All are removable and lockable.
The adjustable windshield is great for mixed city and freeway use. It buffers your chest but, even at full height, not your head, so some long-distance touring riders will want the optional taller windscreen.
Theres an accessory outlet under the gauges to power your cell phone, iPod, or GPS—or you can wire the GPS to the battery, as mine was.
For long-distance trips I would probably add a tank bag, which would render the glove box on top of the gas tank fairly useless. I did, however, appreciate the easy access to sunglasses and other small items.
The 5.8-gallon gas tank provides great range. I regularly rode the bike more than 225 miles without getting to the flashing-light stage. Fuel economy is advertised at 36 mpg, but in my 2500-mile test ride I averaged 41.7—and this was with a good dose of lower-gear, aggressive sport riding mixed in with overdrive cruising. The “current” mpg display really did encourage me to become much more conscious of how riding behavior affects consumption.
One long-distance touring consideration I found slightly disconcerting was the heat thrown on my legs during a couple of long, very hot rides stuck on slow-moving Southern California freeways. The engine is water-cooled and a fan also disperses heat away from the engine. I asked a mechanic friend who owns the Honda equivalent of the Concours, and searched some forums, and it seems that most supersport bikes have this heat dissipation problem. It seems that if you want this much power, you gotta take the heat.
I did carry a passenger once—another biker stranded with a flat tire. Adding 160 pounds to my 135 and raising the center of gravity definitely deteriorated the handling, but then, passengers are normally lighter and shorter than riders. In retrospect, I might have adjusted the suspension. My passenger dislikes riding on the back (as most riders do), and complained that his legs were forced over the saddlebags into a static position. However, he thought the seat was quite comfortable (for the short, two-hour ride at least), and the windshield was high enough to protect him, too.
The Concours 14 is no bagger. Its two-up features seem more appropriate for a long weekend than a two-up cross-country trip. The amount of storage space on the bike (adding the top box) would probably do for minimalist travelers. The gel seat in back is much nicer than most sport-bike seats but definitely not as large as the riders seat (though exploring the Kawasaki forums showed some possible solutions), so riding hours may be limited before you start getting the knock-knock jokes on the back of your helmet.
The Ultimate Chick Bike?
I spent two months with the Concours on California freeways and winding mountain byways, on trips to the grocery store and marathon weekend excursions. The press folks were right: it’s an exceptionally comfortable bike. It’s quiet, the ergonomics are as precise as the response and handling and, despite its size, it accelerates like a jackrabbit. I must confess I have never leaned over quite this far on the twisties and come up smiling.
A big bike that looks this good is something worth smiling about, too. It was rare that I arrived at any destination without admiring looks and conversation. Kawasaki says that only around 1 percent of Concours 14 buyers are women, but I don’t see any reason why an experienced sport-bike rider wouldn’t consider upgrading to the Concours with its precision handling, high styling, and long-distance comfort.
Specs at a Glance: 2008 Kawasaki Concours 14
Displacement: 1352cc
Seat Height: 32.5 inches
Fuel Capacity: 5.8 gallons
Weight: 680 pounds
MSRP: starts at $13,499
WRN Recommendation
Who wants the Concours 14? With its combination of supersport power and high style, it’s the ultimate sport-touring bike for the experienced sport bike rider who wants to upgrade to long-distance comfort and occasional two-up travel. We think it’s priced right for all you get.
About the Author
Carla King is a long-distance touring motorcyclist who travels to exotic places and writes about it. Her Motorcycle Misadventures series includes stories about trips in America, China, India, and Europe. You can buy her book (reviewed on WRN) and read her dispatches on the web at MotorcycleMisadventures.com.
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Nice article and especially since I was looking for information on the Concourse and seat height.
The article was well written and it brought out some salient points about the Concours. I intend on buying one in the next coming month, and this article has helped in forming my final decision to go for it. Thanks every one.
I echo the comments on the need for manufacturers to make their sport models available with shorter seat heights. Besides us gals, there are guys who could benefit from a shorter sport bike. I absolutely hated it when I was shopping for a motorcycle and the salesmen all assumed because I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall I'd want a cruiser. I haven't the slightest interest in cruisers. Never have, probably never will. Sport touring bikes have always intrigued me.
I looked at the Concours a couple years ago and realized right from the get go, the seat height was a problem for me. With both feet down, I was literally on my tippy toes. Ridiculous in the real world. I did some more research and found the FJR had an interesting center of balance. It seriously doesn't feel like it's a big bike. And the bonus was it could easily be lowered. All it required was a lowering link and it was perfect. The FJR has the power to scoot when I need it and stock, has excellent long distance comfort. The FJR rides smooth as silk at low speeds (the designers were dead on with the balance on this bike), cruises the highways without having to work at it and takes on gravel roads surprisingly well. It's a superb all around bike.
I'm just now coming up on a year with my FJR and I've put 14,000 miles on it already. Looking forward to the day I when ride the wheels off this bike and it's time to retire it. I hope the manufacturers have been listening and design bikes with a wider range of seat heights.
I bought a 2008 Concours in late 2007. I love this bike! I traded in my 2001 Honda CBR600 sportbike for this one. I loved the speed and cornering of my sportbike, but was wanting a bike more comfortable for longer rides, and better for long freeway riding. I was not interested in sacrificing precision handling and speed for a cruiser.
I looked at the BMWs, the FJR and the Honda sport tourers, and compared them all to the Kawi. I chose the Kawi without even test riding it. The reviews were great, it had good options, and was thousands less than a BMW.
I rode that bike off the lot and was so thrilled with the speed and power! I got used to the larger size quickly. I'm 5 dwwr 7 inches 130 pounds and I am almost flat footed on it. The acceleration is amazing and I couldn't ask for more in that department.
I love having the detachable hard bags. I can stuff my jacket in one bag and helmet into the other when I park and know it will still be there when I come back. For short trips I can take them off and cut down on the weight and make lane-splitting a little less hairy.
I added an aftermarket tall windscreen to add extra wind protection. I would really like to have some highway pegs for it, as my legs need some stretching on long rides. (Nobody makes them as far as I can tell, and the bike has no frame in the lower front. The engine is a stressed member).
I believe they should make this bike shorter. It's a bit top heavy and scary to maneuver on foot for my height. I've only dropped it once and that was at low speed when a car cut me off. The bike suffered very little damage – only scrapes to the plastic on the bag, painted heat shield and mirror housing.
Overall this bike has all the power I want, awesome handling, and it'd be a tall order to find a bike after this one that wouldn't disappoint. Note to the builders: make it shorter, and make some sort of forward peg mounting option for long rides and it'd be perfecto!
I fell in love with this bike the minute I saw it. The only problem is that I'm only 5 feet 3 inches.
I rode a Yamaha FJR at Americade to get the feel of a large touring bike and absolutely loved it. It handled like the dream I thought it would until I came to a stop on a hill and the test ride tail guy had to brace my rear wheel with his front tire to stop me from tipping over. I really wanted to ride the Concours, but it was simply too tall.
Please help me convince manufacturers that women would buy touring bikes if they developed effective lowering kits. I also request that you review some of the BMWs, but I would truly appreciate more reviews of other reasonably priced non-cruiser bikes.
You seem to shy away from bikes like this and have not done nearly enough coverage on BMWs. Why is that? They are some of the best bikes on the market and now have lowered frames to allow more women to be comfortable on them. I think they deserve some coverage by you.
Thanks for your comments. We are not shying away from any particular models. We mostly cover motorcycles that we get invited to test ride at a press intro. All others we have to find a way to get our butts to Southern California (where the press fleets are) or one of the rallies and make arrangments to test on our own.
With that said, we have reviewed BMWs in the past and we'll be testing the new BMW G 650 GS in the coming weeks. Thanks again for your input.