Contestants (girls and guys) must submit an essay in 600 words or less describing why they are most in need of a biker makeover, as well as a photo (jpeg no larger than 5MB) to bikermakeover@garage-girls.com.Deadline for entries is June 29, 2016.
Submissions will be narrowed down to the final four by selected judges from Garage-Girls. From there, the judges will decide who they feel most deserves the Ultimate Biker Makeover and will get to take home all the prizes which include:
– a wardrobe of shoes from Harley-Davidson Footwear
The winner will be announced by reps from GEICO Motorcycle during the 76th Sturgis Rally live on the Buffalo Chip stage Thursday, August 11, 2016. The winner will also be posted online at Garage-Girls.com.
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Nice article. Finially a magazine for women riders! I have been riding for 15 years. I ride a 2009 Heritage. It is the best bike I have ever owned. The center of gravity is awesome. It handles beautiful.
I am a senior citizen still riding (76) a ’94 Honda Helix 250 scooter. My biggest “want” is to have it made into a trike due to the condition of my knees … along with anything and everything I could possibly win to go on or in my bike and/or for myself. My husband has always changed the oil and did replace a worn out muffler but is no longer able to do service or repairs or ride himself (still owns a ’94 Honda Gold Wing 1500 and a ’83 Honda Magna 750). He is 83 years old and has a very bad case of neuropathy and misses riding very much. He won’t hear of making either bike into a trike. Of course I wouldn’t mind winning a brand new trike! It has to be automatic and have reverse and I would prefer “yellow”!
I won the Garage Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover in 2014 and it was one of the greatest things ever! I had been watching the contest for a couple of years and it was only in 2014 did I decide to enter. Getting word that I had won was a dream come true.I encourage anyone who is even thinking about entering to do so. The prizes were awesome and what Sara Liberte and the rest of the sponsors are doing is AMAZING!