Shorter riders, take note! The BMW F 700 GS is now available in two different seat heights, making it easier for riders of shorter stature to get in the saddle of BMWs popular GS model family, which includes the top-selling BMW 1200 GS and the newly introduced F 800 GS. A lowered suspension option is also now being offered straight from the factory.

Standard seat height for the BMW F 700 GS is 32.3 inches, while the new lower seat option is 31.1 inches. That low seat combined with a lowered suspension gets the bike down to 30.1 inches, manageable for a wide variety of riders.

ABS and ESA (Electronic Suspension Adjustment) come standard on the BMW F 700 GS. The price for the 2013 model is $9,990. Visit for more information.
New BMW TV Commercials
Here’s another fun bit of news from BMW. The popular motorcycle manufacturer is rolling out a national television commercial campaign called “Feed Your Restless,” designed to fuel the desire of motorcyclists who are restless to ride. The three different spots are airing now through early June and can be viewed at Tell us which one’s your favorite in the comments below!
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The 2013 BMW F 700 GS simply speaks to me. Though I don’t own one yet, it is my dream bike. I have been chomping at the bit to get this bike, or one similar (F 650 GS), in the near future.I passed the MSF course in Aug. 2012, and financial issues and work commitments have kept me from buying my bike, yet I press on. I am determined to “live out my dreams.” Thanks for letting me get that out! P.S. I love the site! It keeps me dreaming, working, and striving to meet my goal!
Though I do not have a F 700 GS, I do ride a F 650 GS with low seat. I’m 5 feet even and with the low seat I was only on my tip-toes. Then I shaved the seat down enough so I can sort of be on the balls of my feet. I would highly recommend this bike. Just as a side note if anyone does decide on the low suspension, remember the center stand will not come as part of the bike and as Jill stated in a previous comment the bike is well balanced. I too agree about the gas nozzle but I would highly suggest getting rid of the OEM windscreen and get yourself a ZTechnik windscreen. It does a great job pushing the wind away from the rider. Oh my! It might be time for another bike. Like the saying goes “Cats (Bikes) are like potato chips…you can’t have just one.”
This bike is amazing for shorter riders! I had mine built with the low suspension and low seat height options and can touch the ground with both feet easily at 5 feet 2 inches. As for power, all I can say is WOW!
None of the three commercials for BMW showed a woman piloting her own bike. Each had some or more women, but they all rode behind a man. FAIL, BMW! I ride my own Harley, and just completed 40,000 miles, including two solo trips to Yellowstone National Park. I belong to a local group of women who get together for rides, and there are some who ride BMWs. This company needs to show women on their bikes in order to promote a positive image for an often under-represented group of riders.
Actually, the reason we ran the story on BMW’s TV commercials is because there are women riding their own motorcycles in two of the spots. You just have to look fast — or grab the video scrubber bar with your mouse and move it along slowly to freeze each shot of video. In the “Boots” commercial, the very last clip of video, before the last shot of the words “Feed Your Restless,” a woman riding solo speeds by. You can tell it’s a woman because of her slim build and long dark hair. She’s wearing a red and white Arai helmet. In the Cowboy Coffee spot, where a man and woman are sitting by the campfire, there are two motorcycles in the background. We can assume the woman rode one of them. Then a little more than half way through the commercial, they are greeted after dark by their friends who each ride in a motorcycle. One rides in with headlights shining on a guy with a yellow hat. Freeze that shot. You will see a rider with long hair, again. Looks like a woman. In “Lunch” clearly the women are passengers. Sure you have to look fast… but I wouldn’t fault BMW. They do a fair job at including women riders in their marketing campaigns. But yes, all manufacturers could still do a better job.
Love this bike! I wanted one bike that would do everything and allow me to touch the ground. This is the one. With the low frame and standard seat (more padding than the low seat) I can touch the toes of my 26-inch inseam to the ground. The bike is so well balanced that this is enough. It’s light, powerful and fast. On the first weekend out, I found myself having to watch the speedometer very carefully since what I thought was a legal speed was actually a lot more.The windshield is tiny but very well designed. It cuts out the buffeting in all but the highest of winds. The Vario top box is ideal for locking away helmet and gloves, yet easily removed with the key when not needed.Two minor criticisms: The fuel filler cap makes it difficult to get a California style gas nozzle into the tank. And the new placement of the heated grips switch is tricky for small hands, when the bike is moving. Other than that, what’s not to like? Heated grips, ABS, traction control and tire pressure sensing, on board computer — all that on a very handsome-looking, fast, comfortable bike. I’m looking forward to doing some serious touring on it.Even my husband who owns the big daddy BMW R 1200 GS has fallen in love with MY new bike.
As an average height woman, (that’s 5 feet 4 inches) this is a start.