I made the rounds at the trade show in Cincinnati this past weekend and what a tremendously positive response I received for WomenRidersNow.com. Many companies are sending me press releases and will be advertising their products on the site. They have information they want to share with visitors to this online magazine. Thats a promising response. I am so excited about the future of this new venture.
I was interviewed about WomenRidersNow.com by Branscombe Richmond, celebrity spokesperson for American Motorcycle 1902. He was taping pod-cast interviews at the expo. Not sure where my interview is in the lineup, but you can log onto EXTERNALwww.bikernet.com and look for bikernet radio and then navigate through the registration process to listen to the interviews.
I also met with my good buddy Chris Maida, editor of American Iron magazine. I have a monthly column and contribute women-related articles to the magazine. We talked about future story ideas with an effort to continue making the magazine appeal to women. If youve not read American Iron, stop by any newsstand and pick up a copy. Its the best-selling motorcycle magazine on the newsstand and I am proud to be associated with it.
And look for my two-part report on what I discovered at V-Twin Expo – stuff youd want to know about on the home page of WomenRidersNow.com in the coming hours.

Peace and passion,