When you receive a print magazine you expect to get it around the same time every month, or every two months. When I worked on Woman Rider magazine, many readers told me they wish the magazine came out more than once a quarter. I did, too, but that decision was out of my control. Readers told me they enjoyed the magazine so much they hated waiting every three months. Wait no more. What I love about editing this online magazine is that I can post information on a more frequent basis. So what does that mean?
News items and product releases and reviews will be posted as they come in. This is timely material and we want you to be among the first to know about it.
Submissions to the section “Its All About You” will be posted once or twice a week depending on the number of submissions we receive. These are always fun to read and can hold you over until new feature stories get posted. Which leads me to…
Feature stories, motorcycle road tests, and everything else (leader profiles, touring, etc.) will be posted twice a month: around the first of the month and around the 15th of the month, so be sure to click on those links then. You can expect at least two to three new postings in one or more of those sections twice a month.
Thank you for continuing to visit and supporting Women Riders Now.
P.S. Oh by the way, on Thursday I head to Indianapolis for the big powersportst trade show to promote this site and sniff out cool new products. Ill have several reports upon my return the following week.