There are two things Im passionate about: one you can probably guess is motorcycling, and the other is pets, particularly dogs and cats. That#8217;s why, in what little spare time I have, I volunteer at my local animal shelter as a member of the board of directors. I#8217;ve been on the board of the Stafford Animal Shelter in Livingston, Mont., for five years now, and this year I am serving as president of the board.
In February, my soul mate doggie, my beloved cocker spaniel Charley Girl, passed away, and it has been the hardest thing I#8217;ve had to deal with in my life thus far. Yes, people die, but the passing of my soul mate, who came to me in the form of this beautiful dog, has been tougher than the passing of people I#8217;ve known. The unconditional love of a pet is one I hope every human being will experience in this lifetime. It is because of my deep love for my Charley Girl that I work for my local animal shelter, ensuring that lost, stray and abandoned animals in my area have a place to live and be cared for until their human companion comes looking for them so they can enjoy the unconditional, selfless love that only the evolved spirit of a pet can offer.
Im proud to serve the Stafford Animal Shelter (the animal shelter that serves the areasurroundingYellowstone National Park, by the way), as it is an open-door shelter. This means it takes every kind of animal and does not euthanize for breed, age, length of stay or even extreme medical need. It is also nonprofit and receives no money from the National Humane Society or any government agencies. It operates on donations from people who share a love of animals.
Over the years, Women Riders Now has given back to the motorcycling community by donating to many worthwhile causes through rides, events and other similar sponsorships, but we don#8217;t have a pet charity ourselves here. So it only makes sense for me to combine my two passions, motorcycling and pets, and name the Stafford Animal Shelter as WRNs pet charity (excuse the pun).
You can learn more about this fine organization at If your heart moves you to support my efforts by donating to the Stafford Animal Shelter, you can do so online on its Web site. Even just $10 makes a difference because it all adds up. It pays for pet food, the lighting and heating bill, and the animal caregivers salaries, among other things.
Id love for you to donate to my area shelter, but if you have a shelter in your area that operates on donations, do your part and donate locally on behalf of me and Women Riders Now.
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one#8217;s soul remains unawakened.”-Antole France

Agreed with all said. Dogs/pets are our angels on earth and are missed every day. We thought we needed to be dog-less when we had to put our dear Shepherd down after struggling with a medical condition that just was not responding. After two weeks, it was so apparent that our house was not a home without a four-legged pal. We got “Geist” soon after. Another G. Shepherd with the German name of “spirit.” She is truly an angel/spirit of our departed friend and loved one. Thank you Genevieve for your wonderful story and efforts.
Thank you for your article. I’m facing the heartache of watching my beloved 15 year old Schnauzer (Ashley) go down hill rapidly. I know without a doubt she will live on, younger and sprier, and I will be reunited with her one day after she does pass. My partner and I try to support our local animal shelter when we can. We have four other dogs that are all rescues who we love equally. Keep up the good work you are doing.
My sincere heartfelt condolences to you Genevieve. Charley Girl is now with my Nikko and the other biker puppies playing in paradise. Pets are our most wonderful treasure on this earth and the feeling of loss is a lot to bear and is devastating.
So sorry for your loss, Genevieve. My best buddy, Riley, just turned 9. Hopefully I will get to enjoy his company for a few more years.The old saying, you get the dog you need, not the one you want, is true I think. Some days when chaos seems to reign I wonder why I also need Spike and Angel and Cooper but each one in their own way enriches my life. Wouldn’t give any of them up for the world.Even though mine are all registered Chinese Cresteds from a reputable breeder we help out the local shelters when we can. All dogs deserve a forever home.
My heart goes out to you. I know how special our pets can be and the most special are rescue dogs. A little over a year ago, Annie came into my life. She is a little Pomeranian that came from a puppy mill of the worst kind. Her name was a tattooed number in her ear and had been used as a breeder having countless litters of puppies. She had no idea how to be part of a family and it has taken months of patience and love to teach her. Today she is the happiest little thing I have ever seen although she does seem to be a bit A.D.H.D! It is understandable though. I would encourage anyone wanting the sweetest kind of love to consider a rescue dog!
Oh Genevieve, they do break our hearts. Your sweet Charley Girl is at the Rainbow Bridge with my Stormie, Breezie and Lukey. I’ll give my Noisey Cricket a hug and kiss for you.
There is nothing like the love of an animal. I’m sorry for the loss of your mate. I know how sad it it after losing my girl of 15 years two Februarys ago. Now we have a rescue boy and another little guy who are just wonderful and full of fabulous love. Thank you for supporting your local shelter. I support mine in our area as well as a few other animal funds.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Charley Girl. Bless you for supporting the Stafford Animal Shelter and helping other soul mates find each other! Maybe you could have a “Charley Girl Charity Ride” to benefit the shelter. Time it around Sturgis when bikers might be coming through the area and would want to help out a good organization like the shelter. Riding through Yellowstone and benefiting a good cause at the same time?! Yee Ha! That would be wonderful. I’d ride up for that! Again, so sorry for your loss. Wish there was something I could say to help. Every time I see your email in my inbox it brings a smile to my face and a feeling of belonging. Keep up the good work. Biker babes appreciate it!
Bless you for helping the animals. I’m very sorry to hear about Charley Girl. I have three dogs and I understand. We put one of ours down awhile back. It’s heartbreaking. I’m thinking of you.