Now that the holidays are over, wouldn’t it feel great to stop spending money and start raising some? Here’s a good reason: Harley-Davidson will hold its fifth annual Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Women’s Ride in Daytona Beach, Fla., on March 13, 2012, during Daytona Bike Week, and this year’s top fundraisers are eligible for cash prizes.

To be eligible to participate, riders must make a minimum contribution of $25 to the MDA by March 13, 2012. Riders who collect more contributions will be eligible for special recognition and prizes, including a limited edition Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride sterling silver charm for those who raise $600 or more. All brands of motorcycles are welcome.
For the 2012 event, not only will the rider who makes the largest donation win a cash prize, the second and third largest fundraisers will win prizes as well. Here are the grand prizes for the 2012 ride:
First Prize: $500 Harley-Davidson gift card
Second Prize: $250 Harley-Davidson gift card
Third Prize: $100 Harley-Davidson gift card

The ride will begin at the Bruce Rossmeyer Harley-Davidson dealership on Beach Street in Daytona Beach and head to Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona, 12 miles to the north in Ormond Beach. In past years, a police motorcade has escorted the ride to the destination. To register for the 2012 Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride, visit
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