Not sure where to travel this summer on your motorcycle? Maybe these new motorcycle travel books can help spur some ideas.

Texas Travelin
Motorcyclist Dorothy Waldman loves her home state of Texas so much she decided to write a book about the many beautiful roads traversing the big state. “The Biker’s Guide to Texas: 25 Great Motorcycle Rides in the Lone Star State” is a handsomely printed 163-page soft cover book covering all the great places youll want to visit in Texas. Dorothy has traveled every one of these roads on her motorcycle so she knows first hand what to see and what to avoid.
She breaks up the rides into seven regions across the state and provides maps with detailed directions. Black and white pictures are sprinkled throughout to lend flavor to the different areas she writes about. Dorothys writing style is conversational; I feel like shes a friend telling me what I shouldnt miss on these adventures. There are 25 great rides packed into this handy book. The next time I head to Texas, you can bet this book will be in my saddlebag. Published by Maverick Publishing; $18.95.

California Dreamin
Were big fans of motorcycle journalist Clement Salvadori who seems to have ridden nearly every road in the USA. He knows no state better, though, than his home state of California. “Motorcycle Journeys Through California amp; Baja: Second Edition” is the latest iteration of one of his most popular travel books. The book lays out 33 different day-long trips in California, and a 2,500-mile lap of the entire state, as well as one week-long excursion down the entire length of Baja.
Complete with maps, mile-by-mile directions and plenty of color photographs to show us whats in store, Clement shares his thoughts on the most rider-friendly restaurants, interesting places to stay and fun things to see and do. I wouldnt travel anywhere in California without first consulting advice from Clement. Published by Whitehorse Press, or call 800.531.1133; $29.95.

Rocky Mountain High
One of the first regions I explored on my motorcycle was the Rocky Mountains. There are so many spectacular roads. “Motorcycle Journeys Through the Rocky Mountains,” written by motojournalist Toby Ballentine, details 21 trips for street riders and 15 optional backroad detours for dual sport adventures. First timers to Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming, and northern Arizona, should definitely consult this book so as not to miss the best roads. Also, those with limited time should use this book to ensure the highlights are not missed. Lots of color pictures of the beautiful scenery will whet your appetite for whats in store along the way. Ive been on most of these roads and can attest that they are some of the most scenically beautiful roads in America. The book is 288 pages and runs $24.95. Published by Whitehorse Press, or call 800.531.1133.

Before You Leave
Now that we have you thinking about where you might ride your motorcycle this summer, youll want to consult this book, “The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel: Tips, Technology, Advanced Techniques” by Dale Coyner.
Good planning for any kind of trip by motorcycle can help maximize your enjoyment and minimize irritating annoyances as well as serious problems on the road. The 176-page color book is divided into four sections corresponding to the general steps youd follow in putting together a trip. The sections of Joyners book are: Planning Your Trip; Preparing Yourself; Outfitting Your Bike; and On The Road. Each section breaks down the dos and donts, and I guarantee even veteran riders will learn a few things. Its worth the $24.95 for the extra knowledge youll gain. I can tell you that even after 17 years of motorcycle travel, I still can learn a thing or two on how pack more efficiently, and advice on emergency gear to take.
Author Dale Coyner is the owner of Open Road Outfitters, a motorcycle accessory shop in Sterling, Virginia, and was appointed to the Governors Motorcycle Advisory Council for the Commonwealth of Virginia. This book is also published by Whitehorse Press.