What a great idea for a book! With more and more motorcyclists camping out on the road, “Dirty Dining: An Adventurer’s Cookbook” couldn’t come at a better time. And motorcycle explorer Lisa Thomas is perhaps the best person to be writing this book. She’s traveled across the globe on her motorcycle alongside her husband, Simon Thomas, continuously for 14 years. Eating along the roadside and making do with that you have is what this cookbook is all about.

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There are 26 recipes featured in “Dirty Dining.” Lisa explains, “The recipes in this book are for when you are out in the boonies where fresh produce is scarce to non-existent, like high up in the Altiplano riding at 15,000 feet. Maybe you’re in the desert at 112 degrees or struggling in the sodden tundra fighting elephant sized mosquitos. Or perhaps you are just too plain broke and tired to engage your imagination and work out what the hell to do with that tin of tuna you packed. I want to share with you the lessons I’ve learned from my time traveling the world and from my background as a health and fitness professional. I want to show you how, with just a small selection of basic foodstuffs, it is possible to produce quick, tasty, and nutritious meals.”

“Dirty Dining” is more than a cookbook. The pages features many photos from Lisa and Simon’s worldwide travels, all centered around food and eating. There are captions with good advice and information. Be forewarned: you may have the inclination to pack your saddlebags and head out in search of adventure after thumbing through this book. I love the promotional tagline on the cover: Making adventure taste better.
“Dirty Dining” is published by Misadventures Media and can be purchased on Amazon. To learn more about Lisa, visit 2RideTheWorld.com.
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