WRN editor, Genevieve Schmitt, is hitting the dirt this summer jumping right into dual-sporting after 20 years of riding on the street. Shes planning on traveling miles of gravel trails in what will be a bumpy, muddy no frills camping journey to raise awareness and money for a womens cancer charity. And shes asking for your help in raising the $2,000 she needs to participate on this ride all of it going to charity.

In August, Genevieve will ride nearly 500 miles of dirt trails from Rapid City, South Dakota, to Keystone, Colorado. “Im very excited about this ride as Ive always wanted to try dual-sport riding,” said Genevieve. “My experience off road is limited so this ride will give me an opportunity to learn more while doing something good for charity.” She will be riding with 11 other women dubbed the Dirty Dozen.

Genevieve will be arriving in Keystone in time for the AMA Women in Motorcycling Conference, August 19-22, 2009. She and 11 other women in the group are riding to raise money the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation through the Womens Motorcyclist Foundations Adventures for the Cures ride.

Most of you probably know a woman who has shown her strength fighting a gynecological cancer. Now its time to show support by donating to the charity that helps find cures for these cancers. Genevieve is asking you to help her raise at least $2,000 for the Gynecological Cancer Foundation through her trip this summer. Go to http://www.firstgiving.com/genevieveschmitt to find out more about the ride and how you can donate.
You go girl! What a great way to combine having a ton of fun with helping a worthy cause. Hope you get lots of publicity for both.
How few women out there, know the pleasures of dual sport riding? I saw an article somewhere that said only 1 percent of female riders are involved with dual-sporting. I would hardly class myself as a “one-percenter” but I do have fun, pottering around off road.
Otn he MSF dirt riding class: some locations will offer a private session for not much more than the regular rate. For riders who already know the basics of street riding, progress can be made much faster without waiting for a classmate to learn the friction zone.
Also, for California girls, check out the “Mystery School.” That's a great next-step from the MSF class.
Can I go to? I ride off road (CRF250X) and I am a cancer survivor. What a great thing to do. I was so impressed to see 11 women going to do a dual sport ride and end up at the conference. That would be the thrill of a lifetime and a great way to raise awareness. Wishing them success and happiness on the journey.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support of our ride. You'll be in our thoughts as we journey onward.
Dongratulations on this journey. My husband and I also took up dual sporting after many years of street riding. One piece of advice — get some dirt/adventure training — if you have not already. Riding on dirt like you ride on street will get you in a ditch (or down a mountain) faster than you can imagine. The correct technique (which also translates nicely to riding on the street in reduced traction conditions!) makes a huge difference.
MSF offers a beginner and intermediate Dirt Bike course and the techniques will apply.
Thanks for reminding me to share with WRN readers that I did take the Dirtbike School offered by MSF a few years ago. It was a good way to get familiar with riding on sand and gravel.