Female Mechanics Calendar

Way to go to photographer and rider Sarah Lyon for coming up with the cool idea for a calendar: female mechanics. Sarah just returned from a 6,000-mile journey this summer on her Yamaha, photographing 14 mechanics from Reno, San Francisco, Monterey, Phoenix, and Lincoln, Nebraska. She photographs women who wrench on any kind of mechanical machine: car, motorcycle, helicopter, bicycle, army vehicle. Sarah says, “While working in motorcycle shops and other labor jobs, Ive noticed an almost universal collection of calendars. These “girlie” calendars typically feature barely clothed women spread out on cars or motorcycles often holding a tool. In my calendar, I want to create empowering documentary portraits that show women in the shop atmosphere using or surrounded by their own tools and working on their own projects.”

Sarah says the calendar will be offered in shops as an alternative to the typical pin-up calendar as evidence that there actually are women working in these fields. Sarah, 27, as been a photographer for 10 years. In 2003, she traveled 8,900 miles on her vintage motorcycle to photograph friends who had moved to different states around the country. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky. To read more about Sarah and to pre-order her calendar, visit SarahLyon.com.
Sherie Knows Pipes

Shes probably the most knowledgeable woman when it comes to motorcycle exhaust pipes and for that we say Way To Go to Sherie Hacker of Hacker Pipes. Sherie and her husband, Ronnie, started Hacker Pipes in 1998 in Felton, Calif. Hacker Pipes offers two different patented muffler inserts, or “cores,” providing riders with a choice in both sound and performance ranges.
Hacker Pipes exhaust systems give riders the ability to “tune” the exhaust performance from the low-end to the high-end of the power curve, critical for fuel efficiency, sound and overall performance. The company also offers its exclusive “Quiet Options” making for cleaner emission standards for the environment and the motorcyclist neighborhood friendly.
Sherie is working on building strategic partnerships working directly with custom builders on new innovative exhausts while doing small production lots as well. Recently, she has also been successful in expanding the companys pipe bending business into other industries such as components for off-road vehicles and industrial bending. The company has always designed and done its manufacturing in the USA to insure the highest quality and Sherie says that nothing will be done overseas, anytime, anywhere ever. To read more about Sheries company visit HackerPipes.com.
Great Racing Season!

Way to go to Debra Kuick, WRNs Racing Page contributor, for finishing third overall in the USGPRU West Coast Regional Championship series. This is very impressive as Debra is racing against men. Shes been racing for seven years and is considered an expert. She races a 1998 Honda RS125. Debra says her goal is win a national championship. We think shes well on her way. Congratulations Debra. To read more about the road racing series in which Debra competes visit usgpru.net.
This article is inspirational and needs to get out to all the women in the world starting in high school. There are so many other careers for women besides nurses and teachers and I want to see these interests expanded. Thanks for a great read!