Women Riders Now (WRN) is blazing through the Summer season with our quarterly guide of exclusive offers on motorcycle-inspired products just for WRN readers. Just follow the instructions for each item when ordering.
Weve been frequently asked set up a place where readers can pass on their new or gently-used gear and apparel to other riders. So wed like to present our Readers Resale Shop! Scroll down a bit to get your hands on incredible savings, directly from other readers. Thanks for shopping here!
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Markdown on Premium Sena Charging Accessories!

Two great ways to charge on the go –
Keep your Sena device and your phone charged on the go! The Powerbank is a sleek charging device that comes with a handy armband to conveniently charge your headset on the road. $59.45
Power Pro MountSOLD OUT Ask for a WRN Rain Check. Easy to charge your smartphone up to 5 full times while having it conveniently mounted onto your bike’s handlebars. $99.95

MotoChic® Weatherproof Motorcycle Backpack

$50 OFF amp; FREE U.S. Shipping
Offer Expires 8/31/18
Women Riders Now readers can save $50 on the MotoChic® Gear Lauren Sport bag, the brand of choice for professional female racers and street riders. Wear this convertible bag as a backpack on the bike or a stylish tote/laptop bag off the bike. Its lightweight and durable, made from 100% vegan textiles, has reflective panels for nighttime safety, and innovative LED lights on the interior for visibility in the dark.

Dyna Beads – Tire Balancing Technology

10% OFF
Offer Expires 10/31/18
Dyna Beads dynamically balance tires on the move, resulting in a smoother ride, and one that lasts the life of the tire. Mention the WRN Buyers Guide when ordering to get your discount.

National Cycle® Hardcoated Polycarbonate Windshields

10% OFF
Offer Expires 10/31/18
National Cycles® polycarbonate windshields for cruisers, touring, sport and adventure bikes are made from the highest quality materials and are available in a multitude of sizes and styles. No matter what you ride, we have your perfect windshield. These National Cycle® windshields also come with a 3 year warranty!National Cycle® products are made in the USA.

Readers Resale Shop
For more pictures and information, contact the seller. Prices include shipping in the USA.
*All goods are sold “As Is.” All dealings, quality, guarantees of merchandise, and sales/returns are between buyers and sellers. WRN disclaims any and all liability for the goods, sales/returns and warranties, as well as explicitly and conspicuously disclaiming any implied quality or warranty.
Leather Jacket and Chaps

LIKE NEW/used once, Harley Davidson Womens XL white leather jacket and adjustable chaps
$310.00 Set
Awesome! Love the idea of a resale shop. Hope it expands and really works out. Yea!