Biker Chicz of North America is the latest book released to cover the popular topic of women and motorcycling. With females being the fastest growing demographic of new riders for the last decade, there is a cultural yearning to understand what drives women to take up motorcycling, an activity that continues to be dominated by men and was once socially unacceptable for women to partake.
Authors Edward Winterhalder and Wil De Clercq tackle this subject by profiling 22 women who ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Included in those profiles is Women Riders Now contributor Betsy Huelskamp who writes the Backroads With Betsy column. If you ever wondered about Betsys “back story” this book devotes 11 pages to her. Biker Chicz of North America also profiles some other women who we regularly feature on WRN like author and Motorcycle Hall of Famer Cris Sommer Simmons, land speed racer Laura Klock, motorcycle painter JoAnn Bortles.
The other 19 women featured are: Mandy Rossmeyer Campbell, Lucky Belcamino, Gevin Fax, Sasha Mullins, Becky Brown, Gina Woods, Deborah DiMiceli, Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, Pepper Massey, Lorrie Penteluke, Lauralee “Freedom” Conkin, Meg McDonough, Marilyn Elmore Bragg, Cathering “Katmandu” Palmer, Gloria Tramontin Struck, Banshee “The Lost Soul” LaDucatti, Andrea Perrino, and Danni Stockley.
Using the stories of the 22 women, the authors attempt to shed light on the questions of why women ride, as well as the type of women who chooses to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The books introduction provides some background on the history of women and motorcycling and segues to a brief history of Harley-Davidson as it relates to women riders. The hard cover book is 291 pages and features black and white photos of the women profiled. Its published by Blockhead City Press and available for purchase from online retailers like Amazon.com on December 1.
I downloaded this to my NookBook and finished it about two weeks ago. It was a great book about the open road, courage, strength, wisdom and freedom as told by these women, but I wish that when books like this are written, all motorcycles and riders are taken into consideration. Maybe the next go round can feature other makes and styles of bikes. It would be nice to see and hear how the other half lives!
Currently reading this book now to review for Women On Wheels. Very well written. These are women who have something to say not only in the biker world but life in general. You can learn a lot from them. The introduction is a must read. Hooray!
Very inspiring read, especially Gloria Tramontin Struck. I first saw her on a special about Daytona Beach Bike Week. She is truly a Biker Chicz. When I’m having a low day on my bike I think of her — shes unbelievable. I wish there were more riders featured and maybe more details about their learning curve to mastering their motorcycles. Proud to be a female rider.
I was excited to see this book released then a bit saddened that the all the women rider are Harleys only. These books are far and few. It’s too bad that the profiles were so narrow. It is a step in the right direction. Overall great book, hope to see more published soon. I ride a 2009 Yamaha V Star 950, 46-year-old mother of two adult children, worked in the financial industry for 24 years. I attend classes at night. When do I find the time to ride? Any possible moment I can.
This is a very good thing. Hope the next book highlights ladies whot ride Hondas, Kawasakis and Yamahas. I currently ride a 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT and I’m enjoying life riding for my club, the Buffalo Soldiers & Troopers MC.
Loved the review that was on Chicago’s WGN News. It was great to see our women bikers and I will buy my book soon for support from Amazon.com on my e-reader (KINDLE). Thanks. It really and totally inspired me in my motorcycle goals.
I am enjoying the book, but would love to see a book that covers just average women riders. Most (not all) of these women have been fortunate enough to have many careers and lead exciting carefree lifestyles. How about shorter stories about every day Harley women, women whose kids are raised and now have a Harley but still works for a living, etc.? The women in the book all seem to have been lucky enough to go to college but then are able to take off on adventures that are great, but hard to relate to by the average woman rider.
I’m looking forward to this book as I am in the midst of a photographic book on women bikers that I will be working on for the next year. The thrust of my tome is not just the Harley women, but all makes and models (and all makes and models of women). It’s about the sisterhood of women riders and the individuality of each rider. I want to show their strengths and their involvement as a group in the community. I’m starting in Michigan but will be traveling to other areas. My name is Marianne and I’m looking forward to meeting as many of the “real world riders” as women who pass my name. My hero is Beverly Roberts who has published two photo books on her late father Flash Miteff who rode with the Outlaws.
Interesting. I am excited to buy the book since I, too, am a Harley Davidson riding mama. I love it even though I’m laying here recovering from getting run over by a 17-year-old girl not paying attention and my bike is totaled out, but I will get another when I’m able to work again.
I applaud these women who are included in this book. However, it would be nice to read about the many other women who contribute to the biker culture. These are basically the same women we hear about all the time. It’s getting old. There’s many women who ride.