Dallas-based Banned Breed Productions, the television production company behind the new travel series “2 Wheel Passport,” has awarded online broadcasting rights of the show to InCommand Broadcasting Inc. (iCB). iCB is a division of Nations Broadband Corporation, a privately held telecommunications corporation which has operated worldwide for more than 15 years.

“2 Wheel Passport,” which will take viewers to various scenic destinations across the United States on a motorcycle, was initially broadcasted in Europe where it was a hit travel/destination program. Banned Breed Productions will begin filming the U.S. version of “2 Wheel Passport” in early 2007. They are working in tandem with London-based Hub TV, the producer of the original European show.

“With the advent of devices such as iPod videos and the increasing popularity of sites such as YouTube.com, we are seeing that the Web is allowing freedom for productions that have not been available via mainstream broadcasters,” said Raine Devries, co-producer of 2 Wheel Passport. Broadcasting 2 Wheel Passport on the web enables us to immediately target viewers around the world because the series will be available 24 hours a day. In addition, we now have a full hour in length rather than the 46 minutes available on traditional channels #8211; which increases the content time by 24 percent. Its a big world to see on two wheels #8211; but its getting smaller every day due to the fast changes in technology.”

Each episode of “2 Wheel Passport” will be available to watch online at 2WheelPassport.com and for download onto iPods and MP3s. Route maps, itineraries, GPS coordinates, and restaurant and lodging recommendations will also be available for download to navigation systems, computers and other devices. This allows the viewer to literally take the show with them as they travel to the same destinations and enables them to locate specific routes, sights and stopping places that they wish to experience for themselves. Up to date series details are available at Banned Breed Productions Web site, bannedbreed.com.