Motorcycling in Portugal: Reaching the Highest Highs

How one rider discovered and overcame her crippling fear

By Claudia Rodriguez

Editor’s note: We recently had the pleasure of meeting and riding with Claudia Rodriguez on our Strada Tours Ladies First Tour of Portugal. Claudia’s perseverance in conquering her fear of heights while traversing the most challenging and steep terrain she’s ever encountered was nothing short of admirable. Check out her experience in her own words here. And if you have your own story about a jubilant victory on your motorcycle, please learn how to share your story, too!

Portugal: A New Adventure Awaits!

My motorcycle tour through Portugal starts with the excitement and deep joy of an adventure that one can only dream of. Now I am living it, smelling the aromas of a new place, and holding on to a visceral feeling of anticipation. Poised and geared up with two years of intense weekend riding under my belt, I am fully prepared.

Claudia Rodriguez Portugal tour Honda 500
The Honda CB500X I rent from Northroad Rentals and Tours is about to take me for the ride of my life!

The Women Riders Now/Blue Strada Tours Ladies First tour of Portugal adventure starts with stunning views of the Douro River and its dramatic landscape. As the river snakes through the scenery, we twist our bikes through the delicious curves of the unpretentious mountain.

Portugal view
It’s easy to get lost in the view around every turn in this part of Portugal. Photo by Tricia Szulewski

As we climb up the twisty hills, the sun seems brighter, and then it comes to me…that sense of primitive freedom where we become one with the wind, holding on to its wings. Suddenly, my senses drive me back to focus on the road.

Did I Say Senses?

My sense of fear starts inadvertently creeping up, invading my pleasurable ride. I understand at this moment that I am perhaps a couple thousand feet up the mountain. I can see the rugged cliffs of the impressive canyon over the exposed curve, and at times a few rocks simulating a guardrail seem to poke fun at me.

stone guardrails in Portugal
Quickly I learn to ignore the staggering sight and keep my focus on the white lines ahead. Photo by Tricia Szulewski

The tightness of my muscles and the blood rushing through my body trigger the natural fight or flight response, but in this case the response is more like, "#$%^ng stop right now!" Of course, being the captain of my ship, I keep riding until I reach the top of the mountain where my fellow biker companions are enjoying the magnificent views from the Serra do Marão at 4,600 feet.

Claudia Rodriguez Portugal tour windmill
Making it to the overlook, I safely dismount and reflect on this new fear I just learned about myself. Photo by Tricia Szulewski

I sit on the ground, eager to feel rooted to earth, and with a strong sense of self-discovery. Yes, I now know the terrifying aversion to heights I have. Minutes later, reanimated by the heartening words of my fellow bikers, we continue the journey. Never have I felt more relief than knowing we are finally going down the mountain. I am happy we are finally done with that experience and am reignited to discover the roads ahead.

Portugal view and winding road
I soon learn that the whole adventure is going to be about escalating the colorful Portugal mountain ranges on roads like this. There's me down there! Photo by Tricia Szulewski

Beauty and Tranquility

It is an awesome experience where the excitement of challenging elevations is mixed with spectacular vine terraces and rock art sites. The tight switchback curves are adorned by cork trees and blue skies and the thrill of the speed fills every void in the heart.

Portugal rooftops
Our tour group enjoys the gift of visiting beautiful small towns with picturesque cobblestone streets and pristine structures with red-tile roofs that evoke tranquility. It seems to reminisce on the charm of simplicity. Photo by Tricia Szulewski

The last riding days are void of sun, instead the rain infuses our 6,500-foot climb to Serra da Estrela for a little more excitement. The fog becomes my friend—we hold hands all the way—she makes sure I can’t look into the abyss, and I strangely feel a dab more confident.

However, intense wind gusts and copious rain breaks my newly acquired confidence. My shield becomes foggy and my visibility scarce. The barren curves serve me a couple of quick slides that suddenly make me realize the fragility of life and to treasure the privilege of being alive.

Claudia and Sonya in Portugal
Making it to one of our last stops before taking our rain gear off, we celebrate the success of this life-changing ride. Photo by Tricia Szulewski

Safe and Sound

The WRN tour of Portugal was a blast! We enjoyed homemade meals that had the taste of food made with love and pride. We washed them down with hugs and laughs as we made sure to not leave any wine untasted. But the real treat was to indulge in the camaraderie, the complicit friendship, the kind that forms and strengthens bonds, and makes you smile from the soul.

Claudia selfie
Shared experiences like these is what taking an organized tour is all about.

I’m happy to report that back at home, looking at videos of the more daring roads, I still feel that sense of excitement. My racing heart shouts from the inside that this adventure was great!

Claudia Rodrigues in Portugal
Let’s go again!
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