Women Riders Now announces that Marylin Sparenberg of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is the winner of Septembers “Everybody Has A Story” contest sponsored by Samp;S Cycle.

Marylins story entitled “If Theres A Will, Theres A Way” shares her determination to not let a life-threatening illness stop her from enjoying motorcycling. “Thousands of people suffer from Diabetes just like Marylin. Her illness got so bad she couldnt ride a motorcycle,” said Genevieve Schmitt, editor of WomenRidersNow.com. “However, Marylins will to ride helped her overcome adversity and now shes back in the saddle. Her story is bound to inspire people struggling with similar circumstances.”
Marylin wins a jacket and Marge Smith T-shirt from Samp;S Cycle. Marge is the co-founder of Samp;S Cycle. To read Marylins story, click here.
September is the last month of our “Everybody Has A Story” contest. “I want to congratulate and thank all the women who submitted stories the past six months to win one of our monthly prizes,” said Genevieve. “These women poured their heart, soul and passion into their stories.” The winning stories are posted on the Readers Stories link.