
a neighboring country to Kenya.
Dear WRN,
Im a 21-year-old Kenyan woman who has been brought up in a very conservative family. My parents are against the idea of me wanting to be a biker, despite my enthusiasm and passion for machines and motorcycles.
I plan to take some motorcycles classes in secret despite their words of advice because the traffic has become unbearable and Ive been heavily influenced by the “Why We Ride” documentary I saw recently. Also in my home country around 99.99 percent of bikers are male. Any words of encouragement before I start my motorcycle training class this December?
Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
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Patience — Were you able to take the course? How did it go? Are there any other female riders you’ve met?
I hope you did the course! It is a fact of life that others will always judge you (even when they have no right to do so!) and many people will be willing to tell you many reasons why you should not ride. But YOU know who and what you are, so don’t let other people define you,especially because most riders in your country are men, be careful!
Patience, You did the right thing by taking the class. Once riding and people realize you’re a girl they will feel differently about you and it will be approval! Ride long, hard and free my riding friend.
Greetings Patience, As a woman who has ridden a motorcycle full time for 33 years and still remembers her first ride on a 250cc Honda, stalling out twice in traffic, all I can say is this, “My fear has always made me stronger!” That day was so frustrating and scary for me but I never let it stop me from throwing my leg over the next day turning the key and grabbing the handlebars. You’re doing it right taking a class. It will get you through a lot before you head out into the world and I wish you all the joy I’ve had in my life riding.
I admire your determination to take your motorcycle riding course despite the misgivings and doubts of the people in your life. You are an adult making an educated choice to choose something for yourself that you feel is important. I, of course, being from a country where there are certainly more female riders, can’t fully understand the stigma that might be attached, but change in perception usually comes from more people like yourself refusing to accept the status quo of things and pursue your interests. You have the power to start turning the tide. And you’re going about it in a safe way by taking a formal course to reduce your risks as much as possible. That is to be commended. I wish you many great years of enjoyable riding. Let us know how you’re progressing with it.
It will be hard without the support of your family, but in the end so worth it. I wasn’t sure if I could pass the safety course but took it anyway. After the first day I had to talk myself into going for the next day. I am so glad I did. I passed! That gave me such a confidence boost and a reason to believe in my own abilities. You will too. This is a step towards being an independent person. It can open up many opportunities for you. Just relax as much as possible. Listen to the instructors. And eventually you will find the joy in riding.
Hi Patience, It’s too bad you don’t have the support of your family to do something you feel passionate about. I think it is great you are taking the class and the freedom you will feel later and every time you take a ride will reward you over and over. I have been riding for just over 20 years and took my first riders course when I was 19 and I was the only girl. I have met many wonderful people during my motorcycle adventures. Enjoy and be safe!
Patience, While I can’t imagine the challenges you face from your countrymen, the freedom you will feel by riding your own motorcycle will further build that confidence that your already exhibiting in taking this course. Remember, you are an amazing woman and you have the support of thousands of women riders with you. Good Luck with your training.
Hi Patience,You could be the catalyst other women are seeking in your country. I bet there are other women with the same desire as you, but lack the courage to do what you are venturing to do. Be courageous and go for it. Ride safe.