Its nice to be able to talk with your riding partner through headsets that communicate with each other, but older technology has wires that connect your helmet headset to a receiver on your motorcycle. A new product from Cardo Systems eliminates those wires making the whole device simpler.

WRN contributor Pamela Collins reviews the latest product from Cardo called the Scala Rider Q2 that offers wireless communication with your riding buddy as well as Bluetooth technology to enable your cellphone, GPS, and radio while riding.
Check out this great new way to stop the yelling and hand gestures when trying to pick a pit stop.
My husband and I each have trikes. We have used bike to bike communications for several years, and yes, the wiring does have a way of becoming irritating. We have about worn out our current setup (Nady) and are looking at a new system. Perhaps the Scala will fit the bill. Pretty expensive for just a try, though, if it doesn't work.
Just bought this great communications device. My husband and I had a great ride and no problems.
I bought the Cardo Q2 about one year ago. My wife says its the best thing I have ever bought. It's an awsome device. We can talk to each other for five hours of riding. We don't really use the phone or iPod with it. No more hand signals and great communication changing lanes.