Tired of struggling to cram multiple layers of clothing into your motorcycle luggage? Then check out the One Wear System from Marsee Designs. It takes a rider from the hottest days to chilly ones in extreme comfort with a minimum of bulk. As Marsee product literature describes it, the One Wear System is a series of garments co-coordinating around the basic Marsee Full Flow Jacket, permitting the wearer to adjust to most environmental conditions simply by adding or subtracting appropriate layers.

I have worn the Marsee One Wear System for roughly 5,000 miles and can heartily recommend it. The systems epicenter, the Full Flow Jacket, provides attractive, comfortable and functional protection. The jacket, as its name suggests, uses breathable mesh, allowing air to circulate through and around your body, providing an air-conditioning effect on the hottest days. It even feels cool when youre not moving I think largely to the heat-and sun-reflecting qualities of its silver-colored ballistic fabric shell. Comfortable, CE approved body armor protects shoulders, elbows, arms and the back, and can be removed to wash the jacket. The jacket boasts hook and loop adjustable closures at the cuffs, dual sleeve compression straps, dual-adjustable waistbands, plus vertical side zippers that can expand the waist area another 4 to 6 inches. Cozy fleece softens the touch of the neck area, and a silver reflectivity strip encircles the jacket.

This jacket has one of the best fits for women I have seen even though there are no specific designated womens sizes. However, sizes do start at XXXS (34) and go up to XXXL (50). The shoulder and elbow armor fall where they should, and the back armor doesnt ride up to your neck when you sit on a bike as I have found many other, so-called extra-small womens jackets to do. The Full Flow felt comfortable from the moment I donned it, and while riding I dont even think about having it on a true measure, in my book, of a comfortable piece of clothing. In addition, two zipper pockets outside and two deep zipper pockets inside add to the jackets usefulness.

Now, comes the really nifty part. If it begins to rain or get chilly, just zip on the Full Flow Rain Jacket over the Full Flow base layer jacket and voila, instant waterproofing. Not forgetting any details, Marsee encircled the black rain jacket with reflective piping, and dual back vent zippers allow for body heat relief. Fleece also lines the collar. In a hurry, just zip the jacket over the Full Flow jacket as you would a regular rain suit jacket. If you have more time, zip the rain jacket onto the Full Flow Jacket and the two units morph into one with a hook and loop fastener securing the front storm flap. Marsee literature says the jackets will not only keep you dry, it adds another 10 to 15 degrees of warmth.

Part Three: The Insulated Vest Lining: Made of Thinsulate, this piece zippers inside the Full Flow Jacket, providing even more warmth without adding a lot of bulk. The goodies dont end there. Marsee sells what it calls The Cooling Vest. This, too, goes underneath the Full Flow Jacket, next to your T-shirt or bare skin. Soak the vest in water for three minutes, wring it out, and you should be good to go in cool comfort for about the next eight hours. I didnt try this piece, but for anyone traveling across the desert or racing, I can see its usefulness.

Thirsty? Marsee has that covered as well. The Full Flow Jacket works with the Marsee Hydration System. It features a special pocket to carry a 1.5-liter water pouch with e-valve for truly portable, on-the-go refreshment. Lastly, Marsee offers a compression bag to tote all your pieces or anything else you want to carry claiming it will reduce your items to about 40 percent of their original bulk. No more overstuffed motorcycle luggage.

Soon after receiving the jacket system, I traveled to both Americade and the Honda Hoot, each slapping mid-90 degree temperatures at my overheated body. I never minded the heat, as I have in the past, as the air circulating around me kept me cool. I also appreciated that, unlike just riding in a T-shirt, I had protection around me, even though I was as cool and comfortable as if I wasnt wearing a jacket. Then, when inevitable summer storms erupted, a quick donning of the Full Flow Rain Jacket kept me dry with minimal fuss.
Since getting the jacket, I havent had the desire to ride wearing anything else. The Full Flow Jacket System featuring the mesh jacket, the rain jacket and the insulating vest liner sells for $295. When you think of the number of pieces of clothing it replaces, plus the extra space gained, I call that quite a value.
Editors Note 3/27/09
As of September 2008, Marsee is no longer making jackets. The company was acquired by RacerPartsWholesale.com and is still offering motorcycle luggage.
This is by far the most versatile 3-season riding jacket I have found. The zip-on rain jacket is truly waterproof, unlike most I have tried. I have been wearing mine for two-plus years and it shows very little wear in more than 20,000 miles, extremely durable. It was all I needed for a 6,000 mile trip last summer that saw temperatures over 100 degrees and in the 40s at times as well. What more can you expect of a great jacket?
The only negative I can think of is that it shows dirt and bugs more than darker colored material would. But it washes nicely in the sink with Woolite and doesn't stain easily. Besides, the silver color helps reflect sun and heat on the hot days.
Highly recommended. Too bad Marsee is no longer making jackets, although there are still a few available it you look in the right places.