The American Motorcyclist Association is offering a remarkable new membership benefit effective Friday 2/13/09 for anyone wanting to join the AMA: free AMA Roadside Assistance for the same $39 annual cost that AMA members currently pay to belong to the worlds largest member-based motorcyclists rights organization.
Every person who joins the AMA and enrolls in the AMAs new auto-renewal program is rewarded with free AMA Roadside Assistance. Its an incredible value that covers all of a members motorcycles, plus all of his or her other vehicles, including motorhomes and trailers. And its available for every kind of rider: cruiser, tourer, sportbike, commuter, dual-sport, off-road and racer.
“AMA members have long supported our efforts to protect and promote motorcycling,” said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. “With our new auto-renewal program and free AMA Roadside Assistance, we are finally able to provide a much sought-after benefit that every rider needs, every time they ride. And its completely free.” Dingman added that the first 25,000 members who enroll in the new AMA autorenewal program will receive a $10 shopping coupon from AMA partner BikeBandit.com. BikeBandit.com is just one of more than two dozen AMA partners who provide members with useful and valuable discounts on products and services.
The AMA has been on a roll since last fall, adding at least nine new member benefit partners. They include: Garmin, RoadLok, SPOT, LifeLock, MAD Maps, EZY-Lift, XENA Locks and more.

When asked how the AMA could afford to provide AMA Roadside Assistance for free, Dingman said, “Its simple really. In the past, weve sent out more than 1 million pieces of renewal mail a year. With auto-renewal, we save a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on paper, postage and staff time. Savings from this green initiative will allow the Association to dedicate more resources to member benefits.”
Heres the details of the new AMA membership:
AMA Champion ($39) is the new, best-value membership. It costs the same as the previous “Full” membership and includes all existing member benefits. AMA Champions also receive free AMA Roadside Assistance on all of their vehicles when they opt-in for auto-renewal of their memberships.
AMA Competition Plus ($39) is the new best-value membership for those who enjoy racing with the AMA. It costs the same as the previous “Competition” membership and includes all existing member benefits. Like AMA Champions, AMA Competition Plus members get free AMA Roadside Assistance on all of their vehicles when they opt-in for auto-renewal of their memberships.
AMA Standard ($39) is the same as the previous “Full” membership. It does not require auto-renew and does not include free AMA Roadside Assistance. Dingman also unveiled two enhanced AMA membership levels.
AMA Defender ($49) includes all of the benefits of an AMA Champion membership, plus it designates a $10 annual contribution to the advocacy efforts of the AMA Government Relations Department. AMA Defenders receive free AMA Roadside Assistance on all of their vehicles when they opt-in for autorenewal of their memberships.
AMA Hall of Fame ($49) includes all of the benefits of an AMA Champion membership, plus it designates a $10 annual contribution to the AMAs Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum. AMA Hall of Fame members receive free AMA Roadside Assistance on all of their vehicles when they opt-in for autorenewal of their memberships.
Details of the AMAs auto-renewal program and free AMA Roadside Assistance are available in a comprehensive four-page spread highlighting all of the AMA member benefits in the March issue of American Motorcyclist, and on the AMA Web site at AmericanMotorcyclist.com. Non-AMA members can easily join and redeem this tremendous offer, as well as take advantage of numerous other savings, by simply selecting Join/Renew in the Membership menu of the AMA website.
I have been an AMA member for 10+ years. I was eager to renew and take advantage of this new member benefit. I encourage anyone who pays for roadside assistance through any other company to look at investing in an AMA membership and get this benefit for free. The AMA works very hard to support our rights as riders – all riders, not just AMA members. We need to support AMA as well.
I couldn't have said it better.