Casting producers for ABC TVs “Wife Swap” are currently casting families to feature on season three of “Wife Swap” and are specifically hoping to feature a family of motorcycle enthusiasts. Producers say they “would love the chance to highlight this lifestyle on prime time television.”
The premise of “Wife Swap” is that one parent from each household swaps places for a week to experience how another family lives. It is an incredible family opportunity to both learn and teach different family values. The New York Post says, “It should be called Life Swap because its not just the wives who learn something here. Its the families.”
The show offers a $1,000 finders fee to individuals or groups who recommend families who are then featured on the show.
All families featured on the show receive a $20,000 honorarium. Potential families can live anywhere in the continental United States and should consist of two parents who have at least one child, age 6or older, living at home.
“Wife Swap” families rave about their experiences on the show. Jody Spolansky, a New York City heiress who appeared on the premiere episode, says “What a great way to step outside your life and see howsomeone else lives.” Caprice DeLauder, who swapped places on another episode, says, “I was not ready for “Wife Swap” to end after two weeks.” And Nicole Stallone, a daughter in one episode says, “We always appreciated our mom, but we gained a whole new appreciation foreverything she does for us.”To apply or get more information contact Rachelle Mendez, Casting Producer, ABC Televisions “Wife Swap”/RDF Media at 212.404.2442, email rachelle.mendez@rdfusa.com.