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As we cruised side by side for one of our last rides of the season, I grinned inside my full face helmet and gave my mom a thumbs up. Determined to get to our destination, we decided that we would ride without stopping, despite windy conditions and beautiful but cool autumn weather. We didn’t need food or gas to keep us going; the sheer joy we got from riding was enough.
We looked like quite the pair in our matching black leather jackets; mom on her Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail Classic and me on my matte white Sportster Iron 883. Over the years we’ve enjoyed many rides together, and this time was no different except that we were riding to a new place we hadn’t been before: Collingwood, Ontario. The scenery was beautiful, the bikes were loud, and we were happy just cruising on our way to a mother/daughter spa weekend at the Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain.
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Let’s reverse back a bit here. My mom started riding motorcycles back in the 70s. She was that cool chica who defied societal norms by flinging her leg over a dirtbike unlike most girls her age. She also liked cooking and had dreams of becoming a wife and mother one day, but she always had that craving for adrenaline and the pure throttle power that motorcycles give us.
She met my dad, a fellow motorhead, and they had two girls who were destined to become motorheads. Our childhoods were spent riding around on dirtbikes and on the back of our parent’s Harleys. As young girls, we were encouraged to help Dad out in the garage, and to get outside to ride versus staying inside and watching television. We trailered motorcycles to our cottage, and spent time cruising along the various waterways that our hometown had to offer. My childhood was centered around motorcycles, and it brought us together as a family.

For a few years, I drifted away from my moto life as I went to college and pursued a career. That was, until one day a group of my girlfriends decided that we should all take a course and get our motorcycle licenses. Fast forward a bunch of years, and here I am cruising with my mom, each of us on our own bike.
I can tell Mom is proud, her body language shows it. As many of you already know, motorcycles are so much more than just a vehicle to get you from point A to B; they represent a sense of freedom, empowerment, and connection to the road, environment, and people you ride with.

As we rolled into the spa on our bikes, we eagerly took off our jackets, bags, and gear in exchange for bathing suits and a hot tub. The Scandinave Spa was the perfect place for us to relax, loosen up our sore muscles, and just enjoy each other’s company. The trip was short-lived, and before I knew it we were back on the road headed home. Memories were made that weekend, and I cherished the time I got to ride with my mom. Without her, I wouldn’t be as independent as I am today. I wouldn’t have had the opportunities to go on a leg of the Sisters Centennial Ride, Female Ride Day, or visit with the Litas in Los Angeles. It is crazy how life takes you on a journey, and for many of us, it sure is a windy, twisty one. One thing I know for certain is if I have to go on that type of journey, I’d rather do it on two wheels and with my mom riding by my side.
Do you have a story to share? Please send it to us, but followthese submission guidelines.
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Great story! I am a RiderCoach. As we are quarantined due to COVID-19 and I cannot teach the public right now, I am teaching my seventeen year old daughter to ride. I look forward to our first ride together!