WomenRidersNow.com is adding a new feature that gives readers the opportunity to communicate with one another, seek advice, give advice and discuss motorcycling-related issues. The WRN Forum went live this week and is already getting the thumbs up from loyal WRN readers who were among the first to log in.
#8220;A forum is the ideal online tool for people who share a similar passion to discuss ideas, ask questions and reach out to others,#8221; said Genevieve Schmitt, founder and editor of WomenRidersNow.com. #8220;And with women being the social humans they are, it#8217;s a perfect fit to launch a forum on WRN for our readers to discuss motorcycling related issues.#8221;
As with anything related to WomenRidersNow.com, the WRN Forum is not just for women. Men can certainly join and post comments, as they already do in the reader comments below each story. #8220;With women being the fastest growing demographic of new motorcycle riders and representing 23 percent of all motorcyclists, motorcycle and parts manufacturers who care about serving this highly influential market will want to know what women riders are thinking and saying,” says Schmitt. “The WRN Forum is just the place to find all that out.#8221;
The WRN Forum is now live, but Schmitt is looking to WRNs loyal readers to help her fill in the categories with topics they want to read about and discuss. Please post your ideas and suggestions in the forum in the respective category.
The WRN Forum is located in the “Its All About You!” section and can found by clicking here.
Great Idea. Maybe now I could find other women in my area to ride with!