International Female Ride Day (IFRD) is a one-day motorcycle riding event happening each year on the first Saturday in May. As the women’s motorcycling community all over the world grows, and news of this “ride” spreads, we at Women Riders Now get questions on exactly what this event is and how one participates. So, here are five things you need to know about IFRD.
1. What exactly is International Female Ride Day and how did it start?
Eleven years ago, Vicki Gray, the founder of, came up with a brilliant idea to bring awareness to the growing numbers of female motorcyclists: designate one day in May for women riders to simply get out on their motorcycles and ride. The effort began by designating the first Friday in May to be International Female Ride Day. A few years ago, seeing the huge growth in the interest—and realizing that many people work on a Friday—the day was moved to the first Saturday in May.
Through grassroots initiatives including social media and old-fashioned snail mailing of marketing materials to dealerships and groups all over the world, Motoress spread the word about International Female Ride Day encouraging women to get out on their motorcycles on this one day. Now many women in countries all over the world take part in International Female Ride Day, and through social media, its easy to see and track all the activities. Read my recap of my participation in 2013 here.

2. What’s the goal in all of this?
The goal of IFRD is that communities will notice more women collectively on this one day riding a motorcycle, thereby raising awareness that many women do indeed ride a motorcycle. The hope is that the presence of women motorcycle riders on the roadways will inspire other women to ride a motorcycle. When the overall population of women motorcyclists grows, the whole community of female riders benefits.
3. How do women do this or participate?
The easiest way to take part in all of this if you’re a woman rider is to simply ride your motorcycle in your community on Saturday, May 6. By being a woman on a motorcycle, you are part of a larger effort taking place on this one day. Many riders go a step further and share their riding activities on social media, namely Facebook and Instagram. Social media is one of the main reasons this “event” has expanded around the world.
Riders can participate in an IFRD group page of their choice and post a photo of themselves enjoying the days activities, or simply post it to their own social media page and use the appropriate hashtag so their posts show up in the larger aggregated feed of IFRD social postings. There are several hashtags, but the main ones are #internationalfemalerideday and #ifrd.

4. Can I ride alone or do I have to ride with a group?
The beauty of IFRD is that you can do either. Ride alone and feel good that you participated in your own small way. Or join a group, either in person or virtually if you cant find women with whom to ride.
Through the virtual “growth power” of social media, many women riders connect through Facebook and Instagram to organize their own IFRD ride day events in their communities. In fact, IFRD is a perfect “vehicle” for established women’s motorcycle riding groups to get together. Many set up organized rides under the banner of IFRD and make a whole day of it, and then share the fun all over social media.
5. Are there any t-shirts, stickers, or banners I can use to promote this?
Yes there is. Motoress has an online store with different styles of t-shirts with the IFRD logo, as well as bandanas, mugs, and other items. Some can be found here on the site’s shopping page or here at the Motoress Cafepress page.
Everything else you need to know about IFRD is found on this page at You can also do a search on Facebook to get involved with a group in your area, or virtually by posting photos of yourself. If you don’t know any other women riders in your area, check with your local motorcycle dealerships to see if they are aware of organized rides going on, or if they can hook you up with other riders. IFRD is a great opportunity to do a first ride with a new riding buddy.
For more ways to celebrate IFRD, check out this great article on Motoress with additional ideas, and visit the official IFRD Facebook page here.

We’d love to see how you celebrated IFRD. Please post a comment and photo below to share with us.
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I love this. I’m a newbie to motorcycle riding, on the 6th will be two months for me on my Can Am Spyder F3s. I will post my journey. Good reason to make it a all day affair. Thank you
Congratulations on your two months of riding! What a way to celebrate.Many blessings to you!
Just a shout out to the ladies everywhere. We Wyld Wynd Systers in Manitoba are preparing for IFRD as a Scavenger Hunt.
I am taking the ladies riding class at Hammond Harley May 4-7 and asking prayers for me to pass the class. I have a 04 Fat Boy. Got it after loosing everything from the August flood.
Debra,I will certainly pray for you right here right now for passing the class. I sure hope you’ve not attempted to ride that big bike though before taking the class. You wouldn’t want to drop it or pick up some bad habits before learning the proper way to ride a motorcycle. Dear Lord, I pray right now for your watchful eye over Debra as she takes the motorcycle training class this weekend. Give her confidence as she looks to you for strength and wisdom to receive the skills necessary for successful completion of the class. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 In Jesus name I ask this. Amen
Awesome article about IFRD! This a great day for all motobabes who ride. We are living in history. Our Dallas Litas are excited to host their first IFRD ride for DFW motobabes. If you’re in the area you can get the ride info here:
Thanks for the article with all the links. What a great reason to get my bike out for the first time this season!