Women Riders On TV

A group of female riders were videotaped riding their motorcycles in Sturgis during Augusts rally the segment to be included in a documentary on the rally. The producer interviewed two of the women.

Were told the show is being shopped around to various cable networks. As soon as we know the airdate well pass it along. One thing we know for sure, this documentary, unlike so many others on Sturgis, does not focus on the raunchy T&A side of the event, but looks at the lifestyle side of motorcycling. Well keep our fingers crossed things don’t change as the project makes its way through the production process.
Love In The Fast Lane

Congratulations to Tina Delgadillo of Fresno, Calif. on getting her boyfriend of two years to say “I do” while sitting on their motorcycles at the Las Vegas Femmoto demo-track day event. “The only way I could get him to marry me was on a racetrack, so I brought him out to Femmoto and we made it work,” said Tina of her and her new husbands passion for track days. With Las Vegas being the wedding capital of the world, the two hired a minister and a photographer to meet them at the track during the events lunch break to perform their quickie wedding ceremony.

Under the white tent of Kawasakis demo display, the two declared “I do,” he sitting on his Kawasaki ZX-6R, she perched next to him on her Yamaha R1. “When I heard Femmoto was going to be in Vegas, I figured were here, we might as well get married,” smiled Keith. The two have been dating for two years and are members of the Willow Springs Motorcycle Club, a track day group in Southern California.
Motorcycling In Germany
Congratulations to our friend Sarah Schilke who just snagged a high-powered job with motorcycle clothing maker Hein Gericke as its Global Category amp; Merchandising Manager for the company’s women’s line of motorcycle gear, including the new G-Line. Sarah was formerly the Western Advertising Manager for American Motorcyclist magazine, the AMAs monthly publication.

She’s been a spokesperson in the industry for women riders for several years as she is proficient both as a street rider and as a dirtbike rider. Unfortunately for us, Sarah has to move to Germany for the job. She’s happy about it though because she is fluent in German and loves Germany having lived there for several years. Plus, she’s putting her recent accomplishment of getting her MBA to good use. Were happy for you Sarah, but well miss you.

He Gets It!
We love you Kevin Duke, road test editor for Motorcycle-USA.com, for spreading the word about the impact women riders have in the motorcycle industry. Kevin attended several press events put on by Kawasaki where the dominant gender was female. The idea behind the invitation was to expose a handful of male journalists to the women’s side of motorcycling hoping they’ll write about the female market in their respective publications. You can read Kevin’s two-part series posted in late September 2005 at Motorcycle-USA.com. Once there, click the search feature to find the articles as they’re in the archives now.