In The Hot Suite

Way to go to our friend Laurel Allen, deputy editor of Road Racer X magazine, whos testing a prototype of a womens racing suit developed by Joe Rocket. She reports the suit fits and feels good. We think she looks great in it, too. She tells us, unfortunately, that unless distributors hear from dealers that there is a demand for such a suit, they dont see a need to have Joe Rocket invest in manufacturing it. Joe Rocket has done its part by developing a great suit. Now women riders need to make a lot of noise at their local dealers demanding they carry one-piece racing suits for women.
Sturgis Museum Celebrates Pearl Hoel

She would have been 100 years old on November 10, 2005, so to honor the late Pearl Hoel, one of motorcyclings beloved personalities and wife of Pappy Hoel, the person credited with starting the Sturgis Rally, the Sturgis Museum and Hall of Fame held an open house and waived admission fees for the day. “The Board of Directors was looking for a way to celebrate the life of this incredible woman,” said Pepper Massey-Swan, Museum Director. “While we miss her, we didnt want her birthday to be a sad occasion. We wanted to remind people how much this gentle soul impacted our community and motorcycling, allowing them to learn more about something Pearl was passionate about, and the legacy she helped create.”