Updated April 8, 2014: The Steel Horse Sisterhood is launching a Ticket To Ride program. A limited number of scholarships thats equal to a free registration fee to the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit, are now available. Current registrants are asked to nominate one woman who otherwise could not attend the summit for financial reasons. College students and single moms are perfect choices.Nomination deadline is Friday, April 18th, 2014. Winners will be notified as each nomination comes in. One nomination per registrant. Click here for FAQs on the Ticket To Ride program.
Women riders from around the globe are invited to the first ever Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4, in Denver, Colo., at the Sheraton Denver South. The Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit is the idea of Lady Road Dog, aka Joan Krenning, CEO of DesignWraps Brands, whose intention is to bring together industry professionals, manufacturers and designers, along with women motorcycle riders of all ages and riding styles, providing them a platform to share ideas and network.

Joan says, “This is a chance to forge more than juststrong friendships and learn new skills. It is an opportunity to come together as a sisterhood, to be part of the largest directory of information for women riders and to raise money for charity groups, Helping with Horsepower, Ride for Kids, and Grace After Fire.”
“I know Joan personally have been on the inside watching this idea take shape,” says Genevieve Schmitt, editor of WomenRidersNow.com, and Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee. “Joan has an eye on the more meaningful things in life and engaging in activities that will affect the greater good. Participants should be prepared to leave with inspiration and knowledge that goes far beyond their motorcycling life. For that reason, I’m honored to be involved as a speaker.”
The lineup of speakers who will share inspiration include:
• Laura Klock: Vice President of Klock Werks Kustom Cycles, Co-founder of Helping With Horsepower, and AMA and SCTA National Land Speed Record Holder on the Bonneville Salt Flats
• Jessi Combs: Host of “All Girls Garage” and “Overhaulin’” on Velocity cable network, holds title of “Fastest Woman on Four Wheels”
• Genevieve Schmitt: Founder / Editor WomenRidersNow.com, Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee
• Eldonna Lewis Fernandez: MSgt USAF Retired, Founder, PinkBikerChic.com and author of Think Like A Negotiator
• Lisa Brouwer: Life coach at Full Throttle Living, motivational speaker as “The Biker Executive”
• Joan Krenning: “Lady Road Dog,” and Founder/CEO of DesignWraps Brands
Hear stories of overcoming insurmountable odds by:
• Linda Dalton
• Ellie Rains
• Andie Gaskins and a few more
Be Educated
Attend classes and seminars such as:
• Motorcycle maintenance
• Exercise and nutrition tips for riders
• Packing efficiently and effectively for road trips
• Rider skills training
• Personal safety, protection and self defense while on your bike and solo on the road
Plus, receive industry specific specialty advice in relation to finding the right wheels, exhausts, seats, windshields and anything else related to making your motorcycle the safest and most comfortable to suit you and your riding style.
Be Connected
Join the fastest growing directory of women riders across the United States.
The Steel Horse Sisterhood (SHS) is about never being alone, even when riding solo.
• Attend a Friday night Sisterhood Social Meet n Greet with hors doeuvres
• Registration price keeps you informed with monthly industry news and announcements
• Share riding and personal stories and experiences with other attendees
• Be pampered and entertained
• Receive “star” treatment on the red carpet
• Have your bike hand washed by local firefighters
• Enjoy having your very own personal caricature drawn
• Relax in the SHS Spa and Massage Room
• Re-energize and re-focus during SHS yoga sessions
• Receive summit surprises upon check in
Registration Info
Early bird price is $100. After January 1, the price is $125. Price for male attendees who provide a seat for a female passenger who is attending is $50. Those men can have access to rides and outdoor vendor areas. Space is limited soregister now at this link.
To receive special pricing at the Sheraton Denver South, call 303.799.6200 and mention Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit.
For all Summit information, including volunteering opportunities, vender and sponsor inquiries, contact the Steel Horse Sisterhood event planning team at 877.700.4687 ext. 1 or email them at info@steelhorsesisterhood.com.

Genevieve adds, “This event falls on a big day for women riders, International Female Ride Day, held this year the firs Saturday in May. Its a globally synchronized event where women all over the world get on their motorcycles and ride. What better opportunity to do that than by joining other women riders at the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit.”
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I live 30 minutes south of Denver and 30 minutes east of the front range (the Rockies), in an area I’ve dubbed “the mole hills,” only 6400 feet up, but the plains are right behind us a couple more miles east. Yes, our springtimes are confusing. Last week we got 8 inches of snow and today it was almost 80 degrees and all the snow is gone. Our winters are similar but colder. We’ll get snow and then a few days later the snow is gone. Back and forth all winter and spring. Then one day you wake up and it’s summer. That’s happens end of May, beginning of June. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to that instant change but it’s better than snow every day for months so I will deal. Add our yin yang weather to no mosquitos, it’s almost perfect living conditions. Throw an ocean and beach into my back yard and I’d be living in heaven. OK back to reality. This time of year, I’d suggest wearing layers and leathers. It’s chilly most mornings, warmer at midday and the temp goes down with sun and also with the altitude. The temp can also go down fast when a cloud covers the sun but don’t panic unless it’s a front. I have a great Accuweather app that gives the temp, etc. for every town you want to visit. Keep in mind, your phone might not get good coverage in the mountains. So plan well! The Rockies has its own weather system. Know what you’re riding into. The higher you go the cooler the weather. It can be a beautiful sunny mild day down here in the molehills and once you hit the foothills you can run into a wall of bad weather. It’s important to plan your ride and get into the mountains before the sun heads west. But if your itch is as bothersome as mine, then who cares what time of day it is. Get on your bike and scratch that itch till it’s raw.
Wow Lucille! Thanks for sharing all that great weather info. We are lucky to have you reading WRN to share an insiders weather viewpoint of Colorado and that time of year. I’ll publish your personal website here, Lucille.info, in exchange for sharing all that great information with our readers. You look like quite the performer. I hope I get to meet you.
I can’t be there but would love nothing more than to be part of something so amazing. My thoughts will be with everyone attending. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Will be awesome I know. Love and peace across the miles.
I’m very much looking forward to attending this event and connecting with other women riders. I wonder, though, about riding conditions in the area in early May. Will we be able to get out of the Denver area surrounded by mountains? What are the snow conditions at that time of year?
I live in Montana, in the Rocky Mountains, and while Denver is in a lower latitude than Montana, May is “springtime in the Rockies” no matter what part of the Rockies we’re talking about. It’s not unusual to experience a snow storm or very wet conditions that time of year. Even if the sun is out with no precipitation that weekend, a high would be 50s to 60s in Denver. The mountains are another story. There will still be snow in the mountains in early May. I would say just be sure to check the weather as best you can ahead of time and have contingency plans.