The month of May is Women Riders Month, a time to shine the spotlight on the power and influence of female motorcycle riders. All across the country, motorcycle dealerships, riding groups, and organizations are holding events all aimed at raising awareness of the growing number of women motorcyclists.
At Women Riders Now, its our job to stay on top of the leading women-focused motorcycle events and activities and report them to you. This article serves as a summary of events and activities going on for Women Riders Month, including links to where you can find more information
• The American Motorcyclist Associations Ladies Day is May 9, part of its new “Get Women Riding” initiative just launched.
• International Female Ride Day, started by, kicked off the month on May 2 with its global awareness on women riders. The one-day event is now in its 9th year.
• We at Women Riders Now are doing a big giveaway to celebrate Women Riders Month tied to a survey we do every few years. To do our job better, its important we know more about you, the WRN reader.
• There are two regional womens motorcycling events going on in May, one in Prescott, Arizona, and one in Big Bear, California. Visit the WRN Calendar of Events to learn more about them.
• Many Harley-Davidson dealerships are holding ladies Garage Parties during the month of May. If youve never been to one, May is the time to do so. Heres a list that you can search by state.

How did Women Riders Month get started?
You might be asking how does a month like this get designated? Well these are the kinds of things we track at 2009, the month of May has been designated Women Riders Month.That year, Harley-Davidson, the leading manufacturer in reaching out to women, staged a series of rides on International Female Ride Day and then through its public relations machine, designated May as Women Riders Month. Once the media picked it up, the designation stuck.
The next year, 2010, Harley-Davidson held a weekend-long event in Milwaukee in May called Celebrate Women Riders. Female motorcyclists rode in from all over the country to attend. And then every year thereafter, Harley dealerships continue to hold Garage Parties, with many of them falling in the month of May.
Its 2015 and now its our turn to continue the tradition by declaring May Women Riders Month. As the leading resource for and about women motorcycle riders, we at Women Riders Now are using our powerful online presence to make sure we keep Women Riders Month alive by continuing to serve the community with news and information, as well as making sure the designation never goes away.
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Informative articles like this will help to get more female riders into the mix. Good job.
I support all riders but it’s great to see more of the lady riders out there!