Participating Harley-Davidson dealerships are looking for people who are passionate about riding, good with people and are looking to make a few extra bucks in the seat of a Harley by becoming a Harley-Davidson Riders Edge instructor.

Riders Edge courses are offered for new and current riders. Instructors will teach new riders just how easy and exciting motorcycling is. Combining classroom instruction and training on a controlled range, instructors teach students the essentials of safe riding, then train them on basic skills like braking, turning and other maneuvers.
If youre interesting in becoming a Riders Edge instructor, start by finding a participating dealer that has instructor positions available and fill out an application. Go to the dealer locator at to find the participating dealer nearest you and give them a call.

Theres more: If youre selected as a candidate, youll need to complete the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Instructor Preparation Workshop that certifies you as an MSF Instructor. Then youll take the Riders Edge New Rider Course Instructor Training Program where youll learn how to teach the New Rider Course and get an overview of what the course and Harley-Davidson are all about. Once youre done, youre ready to roll thats all there is to it. For more info, visit