Youve dreamt about what it would be like to ride a motorcycle for years now. You can even picture yourself on your own bike, but for some reason, you cant find the emotional firepower to jump start the learning process and make your dream a reality.
Youre not alone. Thousands of women dream about riding a motorcycle, but many are held back because of a variety of reasons stemming from family approval to stereotypes.

Do any of these reasons sound familiar?
1. Youre too busy to think about doing something for yourself so you find every excuse not to learn to ride.
2. You just had a baby, changed a career, bought a new home… motorcycling can wait.
3. You might be viewed as irrational and irresponsible among your family and friends if you buy a motorcycle.
4. Your husband or significant other likes you on the back of the bike. Why should you go and mess up things by getting your own motorcycle.
5. Youre haunted by old stereotypes of women who ride motorcycles as loose and irresponsible.
Below are some stories of women just like you who once found every excuse not to ride, but are now enjoying all the life-changing moments that come with owning and riding their own motorcycle.
Click here to read Ginas story.
Cant relate to any of the reasons stated above? Click here then to learn what some women perceive as other barriers to getting into motorcycling.